Thursday, October 21, 2010

yup. school sucks i cant wait to graduate!

Well im stuck on making buttons and fitzer is going to do another demonstration tomorrow so i cant really do much today but i cleaned up the waves i made on my main menu...and screwed my whole flash thing up but fixed it. not very productive today but i did some stuff.
not in the best mood either which doesnt help at all.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Interactive Resume work.

Getting the main menu together (:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Int. Resume (:

I did some editing to the eye. and got the beach scene for my main menu and did some editing to that bad boy as well (: im getting there.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Finalized PIN !

^^ That be my Finalized PIN yo (: im open for suggestions if I shall change it or not. ?!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dimasso you are a good daddy & husband. (:


Oh btw Dimasso I will post a pic of my professional dress tonight. I wasnt here yesterday and I totally forgot. But it will be up tonight I promise!

Heres my progress on Interactive Resume:

I took a photo of my eye then edited it (:


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Interactive Resume Ish'

This eye looks amazing but I made it with a bunch a brushes so I dont think it is going to slide with Fitzer. Therefore I will photograph someones eye and make it look amazing...