Friday, April 30, 2010

picture :]

Me and my booface Shane :]

Friday, April 9, 2010


I believe the ipad will inspire a new class of computers because its not to small and not to big. Since it is about as big as a notebook, length wise and width wise its very portable. The only thing that would bug me about the ipad is that its all touch screen I would want a portable keyboard to go with it. The no mouse wouldnt bother me though. I also think the ipad will inspire a new class of computers because not only does it sensor one finger touch but THREE! Now thats something you dont see everyday. And thats the future.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


My domain name will be. :]

Now here are some sites I like and dislike:
I like this one
as you scroll over the brown in the back the blocks move. :]
I LOVE this one.
I Also LOVE this one too.
Yup dont like this one.

I believe art is everywhere but most people dont look at it that way. The world needs more art, its what makes the world beautiful. Usually when I create a piece of art there is feeling behind it somehow, even if its for a client. I want people to want to really look at my art and enjoy it.