Monday, January 25, 2010

HTML questions. monday =/ blah

1. HTML stands for hypertext markup language. It is the most widely used language on the web. A markup language refers to a language that used to "mark-up" a document. When you add markup to a Web document, you are adding information to the document that gives additional meaning about a document's structure and formatting. Some examples are indicating the documents title, lists, tables, paragraphs, and formatting style. Then they are then interpreted by a Web browser, like Microsoft's Internet Explorer ot Mozilla's FireFox to properly display a document to a user on the Web.

2. All element start with an opening tag (or start tag) and end with a closing tab (or end tab)

3. If an element contains other elements, it is the parent of the enclosed child element. Any elements contained in the child element are considered to be the descendants of the outer parent element.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Green Screeen! (WIWTD)

The green screen can help you go places you have never been and do things you have never done. Well in a picture form.
You shoot a picture infront of the green screen and it mainly makes it like blank space that can be replaced with anything you want. The weather men even use a green screen. They stand infront of a green screen while the animation shows the maps and graphics.
A program you can use for this technique is Video Edit Majic. You can also use a blue screen as long as its a solid color it works just the same.
The object you are shooting cannot have anything hanging loose other wise it makes it hard to seperate them from the background. The focus should be on the object and not the background, this gives the background a blurry effect. Oh and the object cant match the screen.
The lighting of the background has to evenly lit. The object also cant be to close to the background for the sake of shadows. It would disturb the uniform color of the background. Gettin the light perfect is hard to do so shooting outdoors is a great idea. The sun is a great light sorce.

I also went on

It wouldnt let me watch the movie though. Schoolcraft told me it shows what you need to do step by step.

OH, and I am going to the Otterbein college visit we are having today at 8:50. So I might be missing a big chunk of lab.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Exams blahhhh. =/

Chowder Trace. (flash)
Building Blocks. (3d)

Chowder Pic (3d)

some other 3d stuff :]